Feed Ingredient Product

Fish Meal

Fish meal is a valuable animal protein supplement and a source of vitamins, minerals, and stimulate various other growth factors. Fish meal is primarily used as a protein supplement in compound feed. Fish meal is obtained by cooking, pressing, drying and milling fresh raw fish or fish trimmings. There are several types of fish meal in the market depending on the source of fish or fishery by-products used and on the processing method and technology involved.

  • Colour:Dark Brown
  • Species:Mackarel, Gindara, and Tuna 
  • Specification:
      Moisture:25% max

    • Protein:43% min
    • Fat:                                 10% max
    • Ash:28% Max
  • Origin:Indonesia

Fish Meal (Gindara 3)

*Product analysis is carried out independently by the company, using 300 gram sample for each product and the result it maychange from time to time

Feed Ingredient Product

Fish Meal

Fish meal is a valuable animal protein supplement and a source of vitamins, minerals, and stimulate various other growth factors. Fish meal is primarily used as a protein supplement in compound feed. Fish meal is obtained by cooking, pressing, drying and milling fresh raw fish or fish trimmings. There are several types of fish meal in the market depending on the source of fish or fishery by-products used and on the processing method and technology involved.

  • Colour:Dark Brown
  • Species:Mackarel, Gindara, and Tuna 
  • Specification:
      Moisture:25% max

    • Protein:43% min
    • Fat:                                 10% max
    • Ash:28% Max
  • Origin:Indonesia


*Product analysis is carried out independently by the company, using 300 gram sample for each product and the result it maychange from time to time